Squat Alternatives on the Bowflex XTREME & XCEED

Squats are a great lift, but they're not for everyone. If you have a back or spinal issue, loading a bunch of weight up their is a bad idea. Others may have issues with balance, getting in the right position, or just struggle with the somewhat awkward set up. Below are some great alternatives to try:

Deadlift Variant 1 (may require some weight to be placed on the back of the machine
Horizontal Squats
Goblet Squats (may need to chain some carabiners together or an extension cable)

If you're not sure how to do properly perform Squats or set them up, check this tutorial

 **If you have a preexisting injury make sure you talk with a doctor and/or physical therapist to determine what is safe for you. I am not a medical professional and this should not be treated as personalized advice.


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